Planning Objectives

In order to help develop plans and implementation strategies that will best support the Vision, the following Planning Objectives have been developed for each theme; they will inform the next phase of the Study.

Building Eglinton

• Support a predominantly mid-rise character.

A modern mid-rise building next to a historic mid-rise building on College Street

A modern mid-rise building next to a historic mid-rise building on College Street

• Allow tall buildings in close proximity to Crosstown Stations where there is an identified Focus Areas and where an appropriate transition to surrounding neighbourhoods can be provided.
• Increase the mix of land uses within each segment of the corridor.
• Respond to the heritage and existing character of the Eglinton corridor with diversity of building types and excellent design, including transition areas between new development and existing neighbourhoods.
• Strengthen the main street character of Eglinton Avenue with varied type, scale and format of shopping.
• Provide choice and variety of housing for a wide spectrum of the population, including seniors, young people, and families with young children.
• Integrate new public outdoor spaces into development sites.
• Improve permeability and pedestrian access, by, for example, the creation of smaller blocks.
• Integrate additional public parking with redevelopment to support expanded retail.
• Integrate development with new Crosstown stations.

Greening Eglinton

• Create a consistently green Eglinton corridor to support a high quality of life and support increased pedestrian activity.

Eglinton Park is one of the many green assets to build upon

Eglinton Park is one of the many green assets to build upon

• Emphasize large street trees that will grow to full maturity.
• Create strong linkages between Eglinton Avenue, neighbourhoods and development along the corridor and
parks, open spaces areas and the valley system.
• Reflect greening principles in the Crosstown transit infrastructure, such as landscaping the trackway, trees on the platforms, and well landscaped plazas at station entrances.
• Increase the amount and diversity of green public space, including new parks, parkettes, plazas and courtyards as part of redevelopment.

Travelling Eglinton

• Transform Eglinton into a complete street that will accommodate all modes of travel, efficiently and safely.

Complete streets help to create vibrant, safe, and viable neighbourhoods, while accommodating transportation in a variety of modes

Complete streets help to create vibrant, safe, and viable neighbourhoods, while accommodating transportation in a variety of modes

• Provide wider sidewalks and streetscape amenities that support a high quality pedestrian environment.
• Provide continuous and safe cycling infrastructure along Eglinton, with connections to trail systems and the overall cycling network.
• Offer a range of choices that combines high order transit with active transportation modes, including walking and cycling, while maintaining adequate roadway capacity for vehicles and space for parking.
• Reduce the number of through traffic lanes on Eglinton, where traffic volumes permit, as a way of allocating additional space for wider sidewalks and dedicated parking.
• Improve pedestrian crossings of Eglinton to support good access to Crosstown stations/stops and land uses.
• Integrate transit stations into the fabric of new development, providing effi cient transfers and convenient access to services for commuters.
• Develop an expanded rear laneway network through redevelopment to assist in relieving congestion on the roadway by locating property access, servicing and parking functions away from Eglinton.
• Shift to a greater reliance on appropriately placed and well designed off-street parking, supplemented by on-street parking to support both retail and an animated pedestrian environment.
• Create a network of new connecting streets and pedestrian connections as large sites are redeveloped.

Read about the Next Steps in the Study.